
If you are an Andalusian SME, this is of interest to you
Order ICT/1296/2022, of 22 December, which establishes the regulatory bases for the granting of aid to small and medium-sized enterprises within the Support Program for

Conference “Automation and Robotics Technologies: industrial and agricultural applications”.
Monday, November 21st. Aerial Robotics Laboratory of the University of Seville (C/ Torricelli, 20, Seville) Automation and robotics technologies are one of the enabling technologies

The AIR-Andalusia Digital Innovation Centre is presented at the University of Granada as a space for transfer and training in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics.
Its aim is to be a support tool for SMEs and public administrations in the field of technology and innovation This consortium is constituted as

The tourism of the future: how AI creates opportunities
Wednesday 2 June. Online event You can access the recording of this event at the following LINK (in Spanish) An online event in which different

Artificial Intelligence and Health Cycle
Friday 30th April. Session 1 – A Image is Worth a Thousand Words: The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaginga.

Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Data as key drivers of innovation and economic growth in our region