Web financiada parcialmente por la ayuda QUAL21-14 concedida por la Consejería de Universidad, Investigación e Innovación de la Junta de Andalucía.


"Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Data as key drivers of innovation and economic growth in our region"

After months of tough work, in November 2020 AIRAndalusia is finally launched. AIRAndalusia is a Digital Innovation Hub that brings together the efforts of the main players of the economy in our region to put Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Data at the service of innovation and economic growth in Andalusia.

Business associations, chambers of commerce, research centres, technology centres, European Business and Innovation Centres (CEEIs/BICS), companies, clusters and technology parks united in the common task of bringing Andalusian companies a whole range of opportunities for their development and growth through digitalisation.

We aim to become a tool to support Small and Medium Enterprises and Andalusian Public Administrations to improve their efficiency and competitiveness.